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SPAN 221: Narrating Modern Mexico (HC)

Prof. Unamuno Fall 2023

Identifying Relevant Books

All books owned by libraries in the tri-co can be accessed through Tripod. 

To find books that are relevant to your research topic, you can begin by developing search terms that speak to your particular interests. 

If you are interested, for instance,  in learning more about the question of women and the Mexican revolution you should try out a number of searches to make sure that nothing slips through the cracks.

For Example: 

You can also find more related books by searching on the subject headings that have been applied to the book you have identified. 

For Example: 

Beyond the Tri-College Collections

If you are interested in a book not owned by the Tri-College Libraries, you should first turn to E-ZBorrow, which gives you access to book collections at a number of local colleges and universities. It usually takes about three days for E-Z Borrow books to arrive. 

Books not available through E-Z borrow can be obtained through Interlibrary Loan (ILL), and will arrive, once you submit the form, in as little as four to five days. 

To get bibliographic information on books not owned by the Tri-College Libraries, you can turn to WorldCat. This is a combined library catalog containing more than 179 million records describing items owned by libraries around the world. Many of these titles are available to you though interlibrary loan.

Selected Books