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SOCI 016: Research Methods in the Social Sciences (SC)

Sociology 016 - Research Methods in the Social Sciences (Suya) Spring 2025

How to find articles from specific journals

Here's how to search the database Web of Science for articles published in top sociology journals.

  1. Go to Web of Science
  2. Change the first menu from All Fields to Topic. Enter a keyword related to your topic.
  3. Add a Date Range. Set the date range you want.
  4. Add another search field. Change it from All Fields to Publication Titles.
  5. Type the journal titles into the box:
    • Put each title inside quotation marks - for example:  "American Journal of Sociology"
    • In between each title, put the word OR - for example:  "American Journal of Sociology" OR "American Sociological Review"


Example search using Web of Science:


web of science screenshot - how to search for articles from multiple journals