Produced by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, this site features lessons, assessments, and other resources. Particularly useful is their list of resources for first year/ new teachers, via the above link.
Produced by EdLab at Teacher's College, New Learning Times provides a wide array of free (after registration) resources for teachers, including contemporary articles, demonstrative videos, and reviews of new apps or other teaching technology.
Pedagogy Books in Tripod
Acting Lessons for Teachers by Robert T. Tauber; Cathy Sargent Mester
ISBN: 027599192X
Publication Date: 2006-11-01
This book presents concrete descriptions of the specific acting strategies that would benefit the teacher: physical and vocal animation, teacher role-playing, strategic entrances and exits, humor, props, suspense and surprise, and creative use of space. Special attention is given to the potential advantage of instructional technology as a modern-day prop. Strategies are explained in terms of their importance and ease of incorporation into the classroom.
The Best Writing on Mathematics 2014 by Mircea Pitici (Editor)
ISBN: 0691164177
Publication Date: 2014-11-23
These writings offer insights into the nature, meaning, and practice of mathematics today. They delve into the history, philosophy, teaching, and everyday occurrences of math.
Curriculum Books in Tripod
Conflicts in Curriculum Theory by João M. Paraskeva; Donaldo Macedo (Foreword by)
ISBN: 9780230112759
Publication Date: 2011-06-15
This book asks educators to make social justice central to the educational endeavor. Paraskeva embraces a pedagogy of hope championed by Paulo Freire where men and women of the world become conscious of their capacity as agents of history who can intervene in the world so as to make it less discriminatory and more humane.
Critical Curriculum Leadership by Rose M. Ylimaki
ISBN: 9780415876216
Publication Date: 2010-11-17
Critical Curriculum Leadership is an examination of curriculum leadership in the wake of U.S. testing mandates and school reforms, all of which seem to support a particular set of conservative ideologies.
Curriculum in Abundance by Sharon Friesen; Patricia Clifford; David W. Jardine
ISBN: 0805856013
Publication Date: 2006-03-01
In this text Jardine, Clifford, and Friesen set forth their concept of "curriculum as abundance" and illustrate its pedagogical applications through specific examples of classroom practices, the work of specific children, and specific dilemmas, images, and curricular practices that arise in concrete classroom events.
The Curriculum Studies Reader by David J. Flinders (Editor); Stephen J. Thornton (Editor)
ISBN: 9780415963213
Publication Date: 2009-01-16
These essays provide a survey of the discipline coupled with concrete examples of innovative curriculum and an examination of contemporary topics. New to this edition are additional historical and contextual pieces from Maria Montessori and Jerome Bruner, and an updated collection of contemporary selections, reflecting issues such as standardization, high-stakes testing, and globalization.