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RELG 118: Hebrew Bible (HC)

Religion 118: Hebrew Bible: Literary Text and Historical Context (N. Koltun-Fromm) Spring 2016


Abraham's Sacrifice from a 14th century manuscript
Image from Wikimedia Commons


Commentaries usually feature verse by verse analysis.  It is often helpful to consult a number of commentaries on the Biblical book that you are studying as they  have different aspects of the text that they emphasize such as historical, cultural, literary etc.  Many commentaries while scholarly are also directed towards a Christian audience.
 Commentaries can be found by doing a subject search in TRIPOD for "Bible  [name of the book you are researching] commentaries."

Commentary Series

The following series have commentaries of many of the books in the Bible.  After connecting to the list of books in the series you can use the "Limit" feature to go to the record of the particular book that you are researching.