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SPAN 214: Writing the Nation: 19th-Century Literature in Latin America (HC)

Spanish/Comparative Literature 214 (Huberman) Fall 2015

Finding Books

Books can provide especially useful overviews of large topics—i.e., topics on which there exist many articles and books.  When they are fairly recent, they can also provide very useful bibliographies; see the Tracing Citations page to learn how to find more up-to-date bibliographies related to the topics of older books and articles.

Use TRIPOD to find books and other material owned by the Tri-College libraries.

Use WorldCat to find books not held by the Tri-College libraries.

In order to find books in either catalog, conduct either a relevant:

Keyword Search, e.g.:

(See the Search Tips tab for more information on how to construct keyword searches.)

Or Subject Search, e.g.:              

         (Use the Browse Books & More link or use the Advanced Search function [limited to the subject field] to find additional subject headings. Spanish subject headings can sometimes be found through these methods, but searching in a Spanish-language catalog—such as the Biblioteca Nacional de España's—can be more straightforward)

Selected Books