Contains filmography listings for films, actors, producers, directors, and others associated with filmmaking. Provides plot summaries, years of release, production companies, distributors, Academy Award information, and reviews for more than 300,000 movies. Covers 1888-present.
Provides citations and full-text magazine and journal articles in a wide variety of disciplines, both scholarly and popular in scope. Covers 1971-present.
New York Times
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Full-text access to news articles, blog posts, videos, images, and multimedia features. Coverage from 1851-present.
Nexis Uni
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Formerly LexisNexis, find newspaper and magazine articles, news transcripts, reference works, and legal materials, including Supreme Court cases. Includes the New York Times from 1980-present.
ProQuest Performing Arts Databaseā
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This database, formerly known as "International Index to the Performing Arts" provides abstracts and full-text to journal articles. Covers a broad spectrum of the arts and entertainment industry including dance, film, television, theater, opera, and broadcasting. Covers 1864-present.
Screen Studies Collection
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Provides detailed information on films from around the world, including production and cast information, plot summaries, background notes, awards listings, and citations to reviews and other secondary literature. Offers simultaneous searching of the American Film Institute Catalog, the British Film Institute's Film Index International, and FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals. Covers 1893 - present.
Readers' Guide Retrospective
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Provides indexing of general-interest periodicals published in the United States and reflects the history of 20th century America.
Finding Older Revews - Print Indexes
Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature
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The critical index
Covers 1946-1973.
The film index
Covers the early years of film up to 1936.
Film review index
Volume 1: 1882-1949, Volume 2:1950-1985. Alphabetical by film title.
Index to critical film reviews in British and American film periodicals
Film periodicals from their beginning to 1971
An index to short and feature film reviews in the moving picture world
Covers the early years of film, 1907-1915.
The new film index
Covers 1930-1970.
The New York times film reviews
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Covers 1913-1984
Retrospective index to film periodicals, 1930-1971