Pound correspondence with Howard Comfort, the Anagogic and Paideumic Review containing articles by Pound and Pound cultists; and ephemeral material.
Letter to John Cournos
Ca. 1925, expressing interest in the author Nekrasov.
Pavannes and Divisions
New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 1918.
First edition.
London : E. Mathews, 1920.
"The early poems of Ezra Pound, all that he now wishes to keep in circulation from "Personæ", "Exultations", "Ripostes", etc."
Personae, the collected poems of Ezra Pound
[New York] : New Directions, 1926.
Including: "Ripostes, Lustra, Homage to Sextus Propertius, H. S. Mauberly."
ABC of reading
New Haven : Yale University Press, 1934.
"The present book is intended to meet the need for fuller and simpler explanation of the method outlined in 'How to read'."