Notes about Off-Campus Research
From Kate Blinn, Social Sciences and Data Research Librarian at Bryn Mawr College
Many library and scholarly resources must be accessed using the Proxied links that are listed on Research Guides. So, if you are having trouble accessing something, be sure that you have entered the database or journal using a BMC library link, either from within Tripod or within a research guide.
Interlibrary Loan lets you request PDFs of articles that Bryn Mawr doesn’t have immediate access to. The process is free and generally only takes a day or two. Even while library staff are working remotely, Interlibrary Loan (ILL) for articles is working. You can use the request button that appears if you are looking at a specific article in Tripod or you can manually cut and paste the information into the New Request/Article form (BMC students can start the ILL log in process here).
Google Scholar is a great option for certain kinds of browsing, searching, and checking for access. Just be sure that you have set up your Google Scholar settings as part of Bryn Mawr (or your home campus). To do this, click the three lines at the top left of the Google Scholar homepage. Then go to Settings, then Library Links. It may say Bryn Mawr College already. If it doesn’t, search for Bryn Mawr, select it, and save. This setting will mean the Google Scholar shows you links to Bryn Mawr’s content on the right side of your results and that you will be able to log in to get access to them using those links.