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LITR 049S: Don Quixote (SC) Fall 2015: Introduction

Spanish/Literature 049S: Don Quixote: Narrative Quest

Don Quijote

 “La libertad, Sancho, es uno de los más preciosos dones que a los hombres dieron los cielos; con ella no pueden igualarse los tesoros que encierra la tierra ni el mar encubre; por la libertad así como por la honra se puede y debe aventurar la vida, y, por el contrario, el cautiverio es el mayor mal que puede venir a los hombres"

   -Don Quijote II, Capitulo 58, Miguel Cervantes

(Pablo Picasso, Don Quijote, 1955)


Welcome to the world of Don Quijote de la Mancha and his squire Sancho Panza. This guide will help you navigate the different resources covering this masterpiece written by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra  (b.1547-d.1616). 


Understanding this guide: What you will find in each section


Finding Aritcles
Recommended: A list of recommended databases for LITR 049 accessible through Swarthmore College
Academic Journals on Cervantes: Freely accessible via the internet, these links will take you to journals solely focused on Miguel de Cervantes.  (Anuario de Estudios Cervantinos can be requested from Haverford)
Multidisciplinary: Databases covering a broad range of topics outside the scope of this guide. They serve as a great complement to the more Don Quijote-specific databases.
Google Scholar Search Bar
Tripod Search Bar

Finding Books
On this section you will find search bars for both Tripod and the course reserves. In addition, you will find links to WorldCat and to the TriCollege Borrowing and Interlibrary Loan page where you can request a copy of any article and/or book not available through our databases/catalogue.

Online Resources on Cervantes and Don Quijote

Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes: The various links on this section will take you to the many resources offered by the Centro Virtual Cervantes (Cervantes Virtual Center). The links are:

  • Antologia de la critica del ‘Quijote’ en el siglo XX
  • Gastronomia del 'Quijote'
  • El ‘Quijote’ en America
  • El ‘Quijote’ y la Musica
  • ‘Quijotes’ de celuloide

Other Online Resources: Includes links to various websites with extensive resources on Don Quijote and Miguel de Cervantes. The links are: 

  • Biblioteca de Autor Miguel de Cervantes
  • Centro de Estudios Cervantinos
  • Cervantes Project
  • Libros de Caballerias
  • Quijote Banco de Imágenes (1605-1915)
  • Quijote Interactivo
  • SPAN 300: Cervantes’ Don Quixote with Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria

Tools for Spanish Golden Age Studies
Online Dictionaries: As the title suggest, you can find a multitude of dictionaries accessible through Swarthmore to help and guide you in your understanding of medieval Spanish.
Print Dictionaries
History: This section contains titles and descriptions of history books covering Spain in the times of Don Quijote (c. 1400-1700)
Literature: Books covering the history of Spanish literature.

Tools for Literary Studies
Anthologies of Literary Theory and Reference Guides-Print: Links to our catalog for anthologies such as Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, and the Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism.
Literary Theory and Reference-Online Resources: Includes the links for the John Hopkins Guide to Literary Criticism and Theory, and the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Subject Guide

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Roberto Vargas
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Subject Guide

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Pam Harris
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