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POLS 315: Public Policy Analysis (HC)

Political Science 315: Public Policy Analysis (Oberfield) Fall 2021

Identifying Relevant Books

Use the Tripod catalog for your home institution  Icon    Icon     to look for relevant titles in the tricolleges. 

The following searches are a sampling of possibilities. To find materials on a topic, try doing a keyword search in the Tripod Catalog to find relevant materials and then use the subject headings assigned to those titles to find more books.  Note that all these searches are in the Books+Media channel.  In examples #2 and 4 below, using keywords (rather than subjects) will pick up results from chapter titles.

  • ("welfare state")  AND  ("united states") AND "government policy"  [Keyword]    Icon    Icon   

  • poor united states   [Subject] AND discrimination [Keyword] (Books published 2010-2020) Connect from Bryn Mawr College     Icon     Icon

  • health* AND  (maternal OR  pregnan* OR  childbirth OR prenatal) AND united states   [Subject search]  (Newest titles sorted first)   Connect from Bryn Mawr College     Icon     Icon

  • ("african american children" OR "black children") [Keyword] AND (education OR school*) [Subject] (Newest titles listed first, publications from 2010-21)    Connect from Bryn Mawr College     Icon    Icon 

  •  (policy OR policies) AND "united states" AND (prison* OR imprison*)  [Subject Search]  (Limited to publications 2010-21]   Connect from Bryn Mawr College     Icon     Icon

Beyond the Tri-College Collections

An important place to look for many materials not owned by the Tricollege Libraries. This combined library catalog contains more than 1 billion titles owned by libraries around the world. Many of these items are available to you though interlibrary loan.  Use the  button to place requests.