Use TRIPOD to find books and other material owned by the Tri-College libraries.
Use WorldCat to find books not held by the Tri-College libraries.
In order to find books in either catalog, conduct either a relevant:
Keyword Search:
E.g., hero* (french OR france)
hero* (french OR france) [Limited to material published 1990-2015]
romanti* (france OR french) (poet* OR hero*)
moliere (gender* OR masculin* OR sex* OR homme*)
"marie de france" (love OR lover* OR romance)
("nineteenth century" OR "19th century") (france OR french) (masculin* OR men OR homme*)
(See the Search Tips tab for more information on how to construct keyword searches.)
Or Subject Search:
E.g., moliere criticism and interpretation
(masculin* OR men OR man OR gender*) (france OR french) history
motion pictures france history
(Use the Browse Books & More link or use the Advanced Search function [limited to the subject field] to find additional subject headings.)