CCC was a group on Haverford's campus that reported on community issues and attempted to solve them. Some of them pertained to the Vietnam War. Call Number: HCA R2 SG
President Coleman appointed a committee to come up with a policy on dealing with military and non-military recruiters. Call Number: President Coleman Papers, Box 3
Word that insiders were reporting to the FBI about fellow students led to a campus meeting on how to deal with government investigations. Call Number: President Coleman Papers, Box 3
Section from the Case of Russell Stetler v. Philadelphia Board of Education that shows Academic Freedom support from various administrators. Call Number: HCHC 1964
President Cary and Professor Davidon react to Morrison's death in a column in the Haverford News. Morrison was a Quaker who set himself on fire in front of the Pentagon to protest the Vietnam War. Call Number: LD2218.6 .H4 (November 12, 1965)