Provides sketches of current members of Congress including biographies, votes and bills with ratings, election results, staff, and committees.
Note the different links in Tripod for various years of the Almanac online.
Social Explorer
US election results for President, Congress, and Governor
• Choose: US Election Data (LEIP)
• Data: 1912-Present
• Broken down by state and county
Overall Statistics: Split Presidential and House Election Outcomes
CQ Vital Statistics on American Politics
Resources for Finding State, County, and Precinct-Level Data
A useful chart with links to state offices that report election results at the state and county level (sometimes at the district and/or precinct level). This is helpful because the office varies from state to state, e.g. Secretary of State of Alabama and the Alaska Division of Elections report election results for their respective states.
Ignore the column indicating which years results are available and check the relevant website(s) yourself, since it's incorrect in some places (as of 3/25/14).
Part of the Harvard Election Data Archive, use this resource to download precinct-level election data for national elections from 2002-2012.
-Select the state(s) you're interested in to view the precinct-level data and download (use tab-delimited for Excel or .dta for Stata).
-Then scroll all the way down to the bottom of the list to find the codebook, without which the precinct-level data will not make sense. The codebook final name is heda_docs.pdf.
The Precinct-Level Data resource will work best for users with some experience working with raw data.