This page is currently a work in progress. Please see this guide for a brief listing of dictionaries in the Tri-College libraries. If you need additional help, please contact your linguistics subject librarian.
El Diccionario de la RAE es la obra de referencia para más de 500 millones de hablantes de español en todo el mundo.
Diccionario de uso del Español by María Moliner
ISBN: 9788424928865
Publication Date: 2007-09-01
The dictionary of choice by Gabriel García Márquez:"Moliner wrote, with her bare hands, the most complete, most useful, most diligent and most amusing dictionary of the Castilian language".
"The dictionary includes words that are native to the Americas as well as those that originated in Spain but whose meaning has been modified. It also lists words that although no longer used in Spain, are kept alive in the different varieties of Latin American Spanish. Over 70,000 words, complex lexemes and phrases; over 120,000 meanings communication and lexicalization * Sociolinguistic distinctions (socio-economic level, linguistic style, social value) for each meaning
Diccionario de mexicanismos
ISBN: 6070302443
Publication Date: 2010
Ed. by Gabriela Parada Valdés
Diccionario Panhispanico de Dudas
ISBN: 9587043685
Publication Date: 2005-11-01
By Real Academia Espanola. Guides users throughout the proper use of the Spanish language. It is a work conceived from all the Hispanic countries, which maintains a fundamental balance between the variety of a languages spoken in so many different regions, and the linguistic unity that must be preserved. It includes: Most frequently used words from other languages; Solutions to very diverse grammatical problems; Information on the rules of accentuation; Models of verbal conjugations; and more.