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HIST 347: The Opium War as Global History (HC): Relevant Books

History 347: The Opium War as Global History (Smith) Fall 2013

Identifying Relevant Books

Use the Tripod Books and More catalog to look for relevant titles owned by Haverford, Bryn Mawr and Swarthmore.

The following subject searches are a sampling of possibilities. To find materials on a topic, try doing a keyword search in the Tripod Catalog to find relevant materials and then use the subject headings assigned to those titles to find more books.

(opium OR drug* OR narcotic*) ("united states" OR america*) (china OR chinese)    [Keyword Search]

china history britain 19th   [Subject Search]

opium china   [Subject Search sorted for the newest publications first]

opium trade history   [Subject Search]


Tripod - For locating books, journals, and other materials held in the Tri-College libraries. Deliveries within the Trico usually arrive in one or two days. Use the "Request"  button

Worldcat - An important place to look for many materials not owned by the Tri-College Libraries. This combined library catalog contains more than 300 million records describing items owned by libraries around the world. Many of these items are available to you though interlibrary loan.

EZ Borrow and Interlibrary LoanRequest items that are not available in Tripod on this page. Note that E-Z Borrow provides books in 3 to 5 days.  For books not in E-Z Borrow, request though Interlibrary Loan (ILL).  Again materials may arrive in as little as 3 days.   For journal articles not in Tripod, request through Article Delivery.  They will be sent to you by email.

History Compass

This journal is devoted to the study of history.  All of the articles are written in the form of literature reviews.  Specialists analyze the issues involved in a particular question and discuss individual books, journal articles, and other scholarship that are essential for research in that area.  Browse or search the journal website for overviews related to your research topic.  The bibliographies accompanying articles in History Compass will lead you to relevant  sources for further reading.  Other Compass titles, like Religion Compass and Literature Compass, may have useful articles as well.

If you don't find a relevant literature review in History Compass, check for titles in Dissertations and Theses (see below).  Most doctoral students will write a chapter of their dissertation in which they survey the available scholarship on their topic.

Recent articles include:

"Rethinking the Origins of ‘Western’ Imperialism in China: Global Constellations and Imperial Policies, 1790–1860."  Thoralf Klein (2012)

"Poppies without Borders: Notes for a eurasian History of Opium."  David A. Bello (2005)




Doctoral students go through an exhaustive literature search when writing their dissertations. They also tend to work on new questions, sometimes ones that have received very little attention from scholars before. You can sometimes obtain these dissertations and benefit from all the bibliographic treasues and new ideas. Check  Dissertations & Theses to identify dissertations on your topic.

  • Dissertations & Theses  Icon  Icon  Icon
     Dissertations and Theses is a collection of scholarly research in the Humanities and Social Sciences that consists of 2.7 million searchable citations to dissertations and theses from around the world, and 1.2 million full-text dissertations that are available for download in PDF format. Coverage is from 1861 to the present day.