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ECON 073: Race, Ethnicity & Gender in Economics (SC)

Economics 073: Race, Ethnicity, & Gender in Economics (Amanda Bayer) Fall 2022

Where to find scholarly articles in Economics

Why use EconLit instead of Google?

You have multiple options for finding Economics research articles, including Google and Google Scholar, Tripod, and IDEAS/RePEc, among others. Why should you use the EconLit database?

  1. Journal Quality
    Articles in EconLit are published in journals selected by the American Economic Association.
  2. Economics Focus
    Highlights research by economists specifically
  3. Search Options
    Helps you find more relevant results by allowing you to limit articles by country, subject, journal, and more.
  4. Access to PDFs
    EconLit links you to PDFs from Swarthmore's journal subscriptions

Additional databases for research

How to Find Relevant Research

  1. Break down your topic into concepts.

    Topic: Impact of technology company interviewing practices on diversity of new hires
  2. Think of synonyms, related terms, and variations for each concept.

    technology company:  technology companies, technology firms, Silicon Valley, (companies OR firms) AND (technology OR internet)
    interviewing practices:  recruiting, hiring, interviewing, human resources
    diversity:  women, people of color, discrimination, economics of gender (EconLit Subject), economics of minorities (EconLit Subject)
    new hires:  personnel, employees, staff, employment, human capital
  3. Set up a venn diagram-style search:

    (technology companies OR technology firms OR "silicon valley")
    AND (interview* OR hiring OR recruit* OR "human resources")
    AND (divers* OR women OR "people of color" OR discriminat* OR racis* OR sexis* OR equity)