All of the resources in this section provide an article on a topic as well as suggesting other books and articles for futher reading.
Encyclopedia of religion
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Published in 2005. Note that some of the articles and bibliographies have not been updated since the 1987 edition. Also available in print format. Provides good introductory articles with suggestions for further reading.
Brill's encyclopedia of Hinduism
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4 volume encyclopedia. Has book chapter length entries on many topics (religious groups, concepts, gods and goddesses etc.). Each entry ends with a significant bibliography to lead you to other sources. Check the table of contents for the topics covered.
Encyclopedia of Hinduism
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Entries are short but have suggestions for further reading.
Oxford bibliographies online. Hinduism
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This resource is only a bibliography. It is arranged by topic and provides suggestions for general background as well as more specialized aspects of the topic.
Additional Background Material
The Hindu world
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Chapter length entries on various key aspects of Hinduism. However does not have suggestions for further reading.