1. Use double quotes to search for exact phrases:
Enclose exact phrases in double quotes "like this" to emphasize search results containing that phrase.
2. Create your own search engine for a particular website using Google:
To search within a particular website, add the following "site:" statement to your search results.
aids medication coca cola site:allafrica.com
3. Eliminate commonly associated search terms:
You can exclude search results that include certain words. For example:
iran boycott -oscars -oil
4. Emphasize certain search terms:
Use the + sign to bring search results containing certain terms towards the top of your Google results. For example:
dakar demonstration 2001 +women
5. Search for only academic websites:
Add site:.edu to your search terms to search (US) academic websites. For example:
kick coke campaign site:.edu
6. Use Google's "Search Tools" to narrow your results by date added
1. Enter your search term(s) and click Search.
2. At the top of the search results page, click "Search Tools."
3. You can then change the drop down menu from "Any Time" to the past year, a custom date range, etc.