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PHIL/GSST 262: Women and Philosophy in the Early Modern Era

Guide for Charles Goldhaber's Fall 2023 course.

Online reference sources

Searching for philosophy reference sources in Tripod

  • In Advanced Search:
    • Select the "Title" option in the drop-down menu to the left of the first search line.
    • On the next line, fill in something for a "Subject" (left drop-down) search, or perhaps another "Title" search, etc.
      • For example, "philosophy," "seventeenth century philosophy," "metaphysics" 
      • You may also use operators like "and," "not," "or" (women AND "early modern philosophy"), etc. 
  • These are common titles for reference books:
    • Encyclopedia
    • Handbook
    • Dictionary
    • Manual
    • Companion
    • Guide
  • Specific reference or introductory series that may be particularly helpful (search for these title words):
    • Very Short Introduction
    • Blackwell Companion
    • Routledge Handbook
    • Oxford Handbook

PhilPapers and Google Scholar

Cambridge Elements Series: Women in the History of Philosophy

Elements in Women in the History of Philosophy provides concise and scholarly introductions to women’s contributions to philosophy from the ancient era to the early twentieth century.

Each Element is devoted to a particular female thinker or female tradition, and offers a survey of key philosophical ideas and recent scholarship in the field, while also advancing new perspectives and original research.

The series is reflective of the diverse range of women’s philosophical interests, from ethics, feminism, political thought, philosophy of religion, and educational theory to logic, epistemology, and metaphysics. [Series description from Cambridge University Press.]