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CRIM - The Renaissance Imitation Mass

CRIM Analysis Markup Instructions


In the CRIM Project we aim to make detailed observations about relationships between masses and their models.  We’ll build our database of observations in steps:

  • Analysis of mass and model, using Thesaurus of Musical Types
  • Compilation of connections between mass and model, using Controlled Vocabulary of Relationships 

  • Creation of EMA Citations (directly from scores)

  • Data entry, in which EMA Citations and Relationships will be added to the database via webform

Discussion of results, via web application Forum

Analysis and Mark-up Methods (in brief)

  • Work with score and text worksheet, mapping musical events and types for each phrase.  
  • Each ‘event or type’ goes in one of the blocks on the Text Worksheet, A, B, C. The first event in phrase 2 might thus be 2/A, the next 2/B, etc.
  • There is no mandatory order to follow in marking the events and types, but in Lost Voices, we found it useful to work from beginning of the phrase to the cadence, with elements noted in the text sheet from left to right.
  • If a musical event involves more than one text phrase, you can combine references, such as “2/A + 3/A”.
  • Use the standard abbreviations for Presentation Types, Cadences, Voice Roles, etc. This will save time in the end!
  • Note start and stop measures of each event for your reference (the EMA references made directly in the score will of course be more specific than this).
  • Avoid “over-marking” the mass and model. There is no standard number of observations required for a given phrase, but you need not mark everything you find!  The aim is to become familiar with the various soggetti, their contrapuntal treatment and the large articulations within the piece.

Survey the Model

With score and text worksheet, make note of the important structural features of the piece, including

  • Which Presentation Types? 

  • Which Cadences?  What tones and types?

  • Notable text-tone relationships?  These can be in comments you keep separately.

  • Mark these observations on the score, using our standard abbreviations and symbols (see separate document), and transfer these to the text worksheet for reference. You will need these during Data Entry.

  • As you fill in the columns for each text phrase, make sure to add the appropriate text reference in the score: 1/A, 1/B, 2/A, 2/B, etc, according to each line of text

  • Suggestion:  put a circle around these references in the score, to distinguish them!

Survey the Mass

Now follow the same steps for the Mass

  • Suggestion:  mark musical observations in the score using a convenient abbreviation:  K(yrie) 1/A, K(yrie) 1/B, G(loria) 1/A, G(loria) 1/B, etc.  Put a circle around these, too!  

  • Using consistent system will help you connect your worksheet and score when you return to consider relationships between Mass and Model

Mark RELATIONSHIPS between Mass and Model

  • As you find relationships, note them in the Mass Score.  We suggest putting these in a square box (vs the circles for the previous mark-up).  Or write these relationships in RED.

  • Don’t worry if one passage in the Mass seems to have multiple kinds of connections with the model!  We can (and indeed, should) consider these as separate relationships.  

    • For instance, if you notice an embellished soggetto and also a new contrapuntal combination or entry, you can record these as two separate relationships in our database.  

    • LaLater when we search by phrase of the Mass (or Model), or by type of relationship, the separate events can be returned in any combination required. 

  • EMA citations will as exact as you wish (via browser selection).  But for now keep track of measure references (include entire measure, even if there is only one beat in your reference!

  • The borrowings can be in one voice (a Cantus firmus or Soggetto), or in several (a Contrapuntal Duo, FI, a PEN, or a Cadence)

  • If a Mass borrows from itself (as when an idea from the Kyrie is re-heard in the Agnus) you can simply make the Relationship between one Mass Section and another Mass Section.

  • You can add prose comments on the Relationship Worksheet (and then submit them during data entry)

Data Entry

Data entry takes place via the CRIM Website:  New Relationship Form