John Hunt's detailed journals did not just have mentions of sustainability. The discussions of farming and weather provide loads of information about eighteen and nineteenth century climate.
George Iden was a Hicksite Quaker farmer of Sherwood, Cayuga County, New York. Iden's thirty-four daybooks covering the years of 1859 to 1898 include his weather observation.
Anna Pratt Parker of Kansas wrote letters to her parents, Henry and Amy Pratt, in Chester County, Pa. Pratt's letters include information on weather and observations on farm life in Kansas from 1879 to 1885.
The Painter Family papers include weather observations for the first eight months of 1786 kept by early American botanist Humphry Marshall. The diaries of Minshall Painter are also part of this collection, and include his daily notes on weather most years from 1823 to 1873.
The boating log of Charles Russell, who lived lived aboard a boat in the Chesapeake during the summer of 1939, is part of the papers of the Russell-Pownall-Walton Family, a Pennsylvania Quaker family.
George M. and Ellen M. Booth of New Jersey kept pocket diaries in 1869, 1873, and 1876, describing weather and daily events.