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HIST/EALC 346: Race and Ethnicity in Modern East Asia (HC)

HIST/EALC 346: Race and Ethnicity in Modern East Asia (Duan) Fall 2022

Primary Sources

Primary sources can take many different forms.  Letters, accounts and other kinds of documents written at the time of an event or era allow a nuanced and detailed understanding of historical issues.  Material below explains ways to locate primary sources in Tripod.  Worldcat and the Web.  To find additional primary sources, historical studies in books and journal articles will often offer the best recommendations. Check footnotes and bibliographies for references to material written in the period of time you are researching.

Primary Source Databases


Finding Printed Copies of Primary Sources 

Primary source translations that are in the Tricollege libraries will often be listed in Tripod under subject terms using the word "sources"  or "early works."  For example, the search

 (race OR ethn* OR minorit* OR diaspora* OR immigra*) [Keyword] AND (sources OR  memoir* OR autobiog*) AND (china OR chinese) AND history [all Subjects]  Connect from Bryn Mawr College   Icon  Icon   produces books including the first three listed below.

This search for sources, with differing literary forms specified, can provide additional titles: 

       (sources OR memoir* OR diar* OR personal OR letter* OR correspondence) [Subject] AND 20th AND (china OR japan OR korea) [Subject]  Connect from Bryn Mawr College   Icon  Icon


Try these and additional searches in WorldCat for many more primary sources including website as well as books that you can request.

Primary Sources from Japan

Newspapers and Magazines

If you have the name of a newspaper or magazine, search for it first in Tripod.  If not listed there, check Google for accessible digitized issues.  If you are searching for articles but have no newspaper or magazine name, see the indexes below.

General Periodical Indexes

Selected Individual Magazines and Newspapers

Visual Resources