Use TRIPOD BOOKS AND MORE to find books, journals (but not articles within them), and videos owned by the Tri-College libraries.
Use WorldCat to find books not held by the Tri-College libraries.
Always use the advanced Search so you can play around with the drop down menu:
The drop down menu above gives you several options for searching:
Keyword: This will search for the term in all areas of the record. Keep your topic to its key concepts for this search.
Author: Use if you know the author's name. You can enter just the last name of the author, or if you know their full name enter is as last name, first name (Example: Dickens, Charles).
Title: Enter either the full title or just a few keywords from the title.
Subject: This is helpful if you are looking for numerous books on a topic. To the right are some suggestions of subject headings that may be useful in your research.
Book Search Tips
Use BOOLEAN searching to narrow or broaden your results. Boolean describes the connecting word you use between your search terms such as AND, OR, & NOT. Using these connectors allows you the ability to link search terms, so you can find articles that address multiple subjects.
Adding OR between search terms will search for all records with one term OR the other (this is a broader search tool).
Using AND between words will search for all records with BOTH or ALL search terms applied.
If you use NOT between the terms, it will search for the FIRST word in your search string and NOT the other.
Help Subject Headings for this class:
HM401-1281: Sociology (General).
Use one or two of these heading and combine them with "Family", "Family Norms" , "Family Cultures", "Family Laws", "Family or Human Rights" might help you begin a search.