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Illustrated Botanical Works in the Bryn Mawr Special Collections

Bibliography of illustrated botanical works printed before 1900 in the Bryn Mawr College Libraries' Special Collections.

15th & 16th Century Botanical Works

15th Century

Herbarius latinus. Vicenza: Leonardus (Achates) de Basilea and Guilielmus de Papia, 27 Oct. 1491.
Goodhart H-68 

Herbarius Latinus. Venice: Simon Bevilaqua, 14 Dec. 1499.
Goodhart H-69

16th Century

Brunschwig, Hieronymus, ca. 1450-ca. 1512.
A most excellent and perfecte homish apothocarye. Collen, A. Birkman, 1561.Bound with: Turner, William, d. 1568. Herbal.Collen: Arnold Birckman, 1568.

QK99 .T8 1568 f

Fuchs, Leonhart, 1501-1566.
De historia stirpivm commentarii insignes. Basiliae: In officina Isingriniana, 1542.

 QK41 .F7 1542 f

Fuchs, Leonhart, 1501-1566.
Leonharti Fuchsij medici Primi de stirpium historia commentariorum tomi uiuae imagines : in exiguam angustioremque formam contractae, ac quàm fieri potest artificiosissimè expressae, ut quicunque rei herbariae radicitus cognoscendae de sidero tenentur eas uel deambulantes uel peregrinantes in sinu comodius gestare, adque natiuas herbas conferre queant: unà cum duplici indice, quorum primus stirpium nomenclaturas latinas, alter uero germanicas continet. Basileae: [Michael Isengrin], 1545.
QK41 .F8 1545

Fuchs, Leonhart, 1501-1566.
De historia stirpium commentarij insignes / adiectis earundem viuis, & ad naturae imitationem artificiose expressis imaginibus, Leonharto Fuchsio... autore; accessit ijs, succincta admodum vocum quarundam subobscurarum in hoc opere passim occurrentium explanatio; triplex item index, prior stirpium Latinas nomenclaturas, alter officinis & vulgò vsitatas, tertius gallicas dabit. Lugduni: Apud Balthazarem Arnolletum, 1551.
QK41 .F82 1551

Gerard, John, 1545-1612.
The Herball or Generall historie of plantes / Gathered by John Gerarde of London. London: Iohn Norton, 1597.
f QK41 .G3 1597

L'Obel, Matthias de, 1538-1616.
Kruydtboeck ... Antwerp: Christoffel Plantyn, 1581.

QK41 .L705 1581 f

L'Obel, Matthias de, 1538-1616.
Icones stirpium, seu Plantarum tam exoticarum quam indigenarum ... Antverpiae: Ex Officina Plantiniana, 1591.

QK41 .L7 1591

Mattioli, Pietro Andrea, 1500-1577.
Petri Andreas Matthioli senensis medici: Commentarii in sex libros Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbei de medica materia. Venetiis: Ex officina Valgrisiana, 1565.

SB91 .A2 M375 1565 f

Mattioli, Pietro Andrea, 1500-1577.
New Kreütterbuch. Gedruckt zu Prag: durch G. Melantrich, 1563.

QK41 .M35 1563 f

Mattioli, Pietro Andrea.
Petri Andreae Matthioli Senensis, medici caesarei, et serenissimi principis Ferdinandi, archidvcis Avstriae & c. Commentarij in VI. libros Pedacij Dioscoridis Anazarbei de medica materia, ab ipso avtore recogniti, et locis plvs mille acvt: Adiectis magnis, ac nouis plantarum, ac animalium iconibus, supra priores editiones longè pluribus, ad viuum delineatis. Accesserunt quoque ad margines Graeci contextus quàm plurimi, ex antiquissimis codicibus desumpti, qui Dioscoridis codicibus desumpti, qui Dioscoridis ipsius deprauatam lectionem restituunt. Cvm locvpletissimis indicibvs, tvm ad rem herbariam, tum medicamentariam pertinentibus ... Venetijs: apud Felicem Valgrisium, 1583.

 615.1 M43 f

Ociorus, otherwise Schnellenberg, Tarquinius.
Experimenta. Von XX. Pestilentz Wurtzeln vnd Kreutern, wie sie alle vnd ein jeglichs besonder für Gift vnd Pestilentz gebraucht mögen werden .. Wygand Han: Franckfurdt am Mayn, [1546].

 581.63 Oc3e d

Ortus Sanitatis: De herbis: & plantis. De auibus & volatilibus ... De animalibus: & reptilibus. De piscibus & natatilibus. De lapidibus ... Venice: Tacuino, 1536.
QK99.A1 T7 1536 f

Turner, William, d. 1568.
The first and seconde partes of the herbal...: lately oversene, corrected and enlarged with the thirde parte... Here unto is joyned also a Booke of the bath of Baeth in England... Collen: Arnold Birckman, 1568.
Bound with: Brunschwig, Hieronymus, ca. 1450-ca. 1512. A most excellent and perfecte homish apothocarye. Collen: A. Birkman, 1561

QK99 .T8 1568 f

Theodorus, Jacobus, 1520-1590.
Neuw Kreuterbuch: mit schönen, Künstlichen un liblichen Figuren unnd conterfeyten... Frankfurt am Main, 1588-91.
Uncat f847 

17th Century Botanical Works

Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 1522-1605?
Vlyssis Aldrovandi patricii bononiensis Dendrologiœ natvralis scilicet arborvm historiœ libri dvo. Sylva glandaria, acinosvmq. pomarivm. Vbi ervditiones omnivm genervm vna cvm botanicis doctrinis ingenia quœcvnqve non parvm ivvant, et oblectant. / Ovidivs Montalbanvs ... opvs svmmo labore collegit, digessit, concinnavit ... Bonnoniœ: typis I. B. Ferronii, 1668.
R.B.R. f 582.16 Al2 

Camerarius, Joachim, 1534-1598.
Symbolorum et emblematum ... centuria una [-quatuor]. Frankfort: J. Ammon, 1654.

PA8485 .C24 1654

Commelin, Johannes, 1629-1692
Horti medici amstelodamensis rariorum tam orientalis, quam occidentalis Indiae, aliarumque peregrinarum plantarum. Amstelodami: Apud P. & J. Blaeu, nec non Abrahamum à Someren, 1697-1701

QK41 .C7 1697 f

Evelyn, John, 1620-1706.
Sylva: or, a Discourse of Forest-Trees, and the Propagation of Timber in his Majesties Dominions. London: for John Martyn, 1679.

PR3433.E5 A782 1679 f    

Ferrari, Giovanni Battista, 1584-1655.
Flora; ouero, Cvltvra di fiori, del P. Gio. Battista Ferrari; distinta in quattro libri e trasportata dalla lingua latina nell'italiana da Lodouico Aureli Perugino. Roma: P. A. Facciotti, 1638.
SB406 .F4 1638

Gerard, John, 1545-1612.
The herball or Generall historie of plantes / Gathered by John Gerarde of London, master in chirvrgerie. Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson ... London: Printed by Adam Islip, Joice Norton and Richard Whitakers, 1633.
Uncat f620

Gerard, John, 1545-1612.
The herball: or Generall historie of plantes / Gathered by John Gerarde ... Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson. London: Printed by A. Islip, J. Norton and R. Whitakers, 1636.
f 580 G31h

Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712.
The anatomy of plants: With An idea of a philosophical history of plants, and several other lectures, read before the Royal society / By Nehemia Grew ... [London]: Printed by W. Rawlins, for the author, 1682.
q 581 G86 

La Quintinie, Jean de, 1626-1688.
The Compleat Gard'ner: or Directions for Cultivating and Right Ordering of Fruit-Gardens and Kitchen Gardens; With Divers Reflections on several Parts of Husbandry… / Made English by John Evelyn Esquire. London: for Matthew Gillyflower, 1693.
Uncat f763

Lauremberg, Peter, 1585-1639.
Apparatus plantarius: Tributus in duos libros. I. De Plantis Bulbosis. II. De Plantis Tuberosis ... Francofurti ad Moe, 1654.
Uncat 1757 

Muller, Samuel.
Vade-mecum botanicum. Franfurth and Leipzig: verlegts J. C. Mieth und Zimmermann; druckts C. Scholvien, 1694.
Uncat 10,677 

Parkinson, John, 1567-1650.
Paradisi In Sole Paradisus Terrestris: or, A Garden of all sorts of pleasant, flowers which our English ayre will permitt to be noursed vp: with A Kitchen garden of all manner of herbes, rootes & fruites, for meate or sause vsed with vs, and An Orchard of all sorte of fruitbearing Trees and shrubbes fit for our Land together With the right orderinge planting& preseruing of them and their vses & vertues / Collected by John Parkinson Apothecary of London 1629. London: Printed by Hvmfrey Lownes and Robert Yovng at the signe of the Starre on Breadstreethill, 1629].
f SB97 .P3 1629 

Parkinson, John, 1567-1650.
Paradisi in sole paradisvs terrestris: Or, A choise garden of all sorts of rarest flowers, with their nature, place of birth, time of flowring, names, and vertues to each plant, useful in physick, or admired for beauty. To which is annext a kitchin-garden furnished with all manner of herbs, roots, and fruits, for meat or sawce used with us. With the art of plantingan orchard of all sorts of fruit-bearing trees and shrubs, shewing the nature of grafting, inoculating, and pruning of them. Together with the right ordering, planting and preservingof them, with their select vertues: all unmentioned in former herbals / Collected by John Parkinson ... The second impression much corrected and enlarged. London: Printed by R. N. and are to be sold by Richard Thrale..., 1656.
f SB97 .P3 1656

Parkinson, John, 1567-1650.
Theatrum botanicvm: the theater of plants. Or, An herball of a large extent... / Collected John Parkinson... London: Printed by Tho. Cotes, 1640.
f QK41 .P2 1640 1 - 2

Passe, Crispijn van de, 1593 or 4 -1667.
Hortus floridus. Extant Arnhemii: apud J. Iansonium, 1614.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection

QK41 .P3 1614

 Plukenet, Leonard, 1642-1706.
Leonardi Plukenetii Phytographia. Londini: Sumptibus autoris, 1691-2.
Uncat f1211 

Rea, John, d. 1681.
Flora: Seu, De Florum Cultura: or a Complete Florilege, furnished with all the requisites belonging to a Florist / The second impression corrected, with many additions, and several new plates. London: for George Marriott, 1676.
Gift of Marjorie Martin Townsend '19.
Uncat f766

Trionfetti, Giovanni Battista, 1658-1708.
Observationes de ortv:ac vegetatione plantarvm cvm novarvm stirpivm historia iconibvs illvstrata...Romae: Typis Dominici Antonij Herculis, 1685.
QK41 .T72 1685

18th Century Botanical Works

Blackwell, Elizabeth, fl. 1737.
A curious herbal: containing five hundred cuts, of the most useful plants, which are used in the practice of physick.
London: Printed for C. Nourse, 1782.

QK41 .B54 1782 ff 1-2

Bradley, Richard, 1688-1732.
An appendix to the New improvements of planting and gardening: containing…: illustrated with copper plates / R. Bradley…With: New improvements of planting and gardening…/ by Richard Bradley. London: Printed for W. Mears, 1719-20. London: Printed for W. Mears..., 1726.
SB97 .B8 1719b  

Bradley, Richard, 1688-1732.
A complete body of husbandry: collected from the practice and experience of the most considerable farmers in Britain… / by R. Bradley… London: Printed for James Woodman, and David Lyon..., 1727.
S509 .B7 1727

Bradley, Richard, 1688-1732.
A general treatise of agriculture: both philosophical and practical: displaying the arts of husbandry and gardening: in two parts… / originally written by R. Bradley… and now not only corrected and properly methodified, but adapted to present practice, and improved with the late theories, in many large notes…; with a complete index of all the matters contained in the book; illustrated with twenty copper-plates. London: Printed for W. Johnston, R. Baldwin, J. Fuller, J. Wren, W. Owen, G. Keith, A. Strahan, T. Field, P. Davey and B. Law, E. Dilly, C. Henderson, A. Linde, and J. Robinson, 1757.
S509 .B71 1757

Bradley, Richard, 1688-1732.
A general treatise of husbandry and gardening: containing a new system of vegetation: illustrated with many observations and experiments… formerly published monthly, and now methodiz'd and digested under proper heads, with additions and great alterations… London: Printed for T. Woodward... and J. Peele..., 1726.
S509 .B72 1726 1 - 2

Bradley, Richard, 1688-1732.
The gentleman and gardener's kalendar: directing what is necessary to be done every month in the kitchen-garden, fruit-garden, nursery: management of forest-trees, green-house, and flower-garden: with directions for the making and ordering hop-grounds / by Richard Bradley… London: Printed for W. Mears ..., 1728.
SB97 .B8 1719
SB97 .B8 1719b

Bradley, Richard, 1688-1732.
A philosophical account of the works of nature: Endeavouring to set forth the several gradations remarkable in the mineral, vegetable, and animal parts of the creation. Tending to the composition of a scale of life. To which is added, an account of the state of gardening, as it is now in Great Britain, and other parts of Europe: together with several new experiments relating to the improvement of barren ground, and the propagating of timber-trees, fruit-trees, &c. with many curious cutts ... / By Richard Bradley ... London: Printed for W. Mears..., 1721.
f QH41 .B8 1721

Burman, Johannes, 1706-1779.
Thesaurus zeylanicus, exhibens plantas in insula Zeylana nascentes ... /Cura & studio Joannis Burmanni.
Amsteldami: apud Janssonio-Waesbergios [etc.], 1737
q 581.954 B927t

The compleat florist. London: J. Duke, 1747
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
Uncat 10,382 

Edwards, John, fl. 1768-1795.
A select collection of one hundred plates: consisting of the most beautiful exotic and British flowers. London: S. Hooper, 1775.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection

QK98 .E26 1775 ff

Furber, Robert, fl. 1724-1732.
The flower garden display'd. London: Printed for R. Montagu [etc.], 1734
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection

SB406 .F8 1734

Hellwig, Christoph von.
[Compendieuses (und jetso um die helffte vermehrtes): teutsch-und lateinishes blumen-und kräuter-buch.../zum dritten mahl...zum druck befördert Valentin Kräutermann]. [Franckfurt, 1733].
581.63 H36

Jonstonus, Joannes, 1603-1675.
Ioann. Ionstoni Historiae natvralis de arboribvs et plantis libri X, tabvlis centvm triginta septem ab illo celeberrimo Mathia Meriano aeri incisis ornati, ex scriptoribvs tam antiqvis, qvamrecentioribvs maxima cvra collecti, quos ob raritatem denvo inprimendos svscepit. [Heilbronnae]: Franciscus Iosephus Eckebrecht..., 1768-69.
f QK41 .J7 1768 (2) 

Jonstonus, Joannes, 1603-1675.
Historiae naturalis de arboribus et plantis libri X ... [Frankfurt]: F. J. Eckebrecht, 1768-69.
Uncat f704 

Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de, 1744-1829
Dictionnaire encyclopedique methodique: Planches de botanique. [Paris, 1785].
Uncat f659 1-2 

Lightfoot, John, 1735-1788.
Flora scotica: or, A systematic arrangement, in the Linnaean method, of the native plants of Scotland and the Hebrides … London : Printed for B. White ..., 1777.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
QK308 .L7 1777 v. 1-2 

Lonicer, Adam.
Kruter-buch und knstliche lonterfeyungen der bumen, stauden, hecken, krutern, berryde, bewrtzen, &c...: samt...bericht der schnen und ntzlichen kunst zu destilliren...auf das aller fleissigste bersehen, corrigirt und verbessert / an vielen orten augirt...durch Petrum Uffenbachium. Ulm: Bartholomae, 1705.
q 582 L86

Martyn, Thomas, 1735-1825.
Thirty-eight plates, with explanations : intended to illustrate Linnaeus's System of vegetables, and particularly adapted to the Letters on the elements of botany. London: Printed for B. White and son, 1788.
Uncat 1763 

Mattioli, Pietro Andrea, 1500-1577.
I discorsi di Pietro Andrea Matthioli Sanese, medico cesareo : nei sei libbri di Pedacio Dioscoride Anazarbeo della materia Medicinale ... Venice, 1712.

QK99.A1 M27 1712 f

Miller, Philip, 1691-1771.
Figures of the most beautiful, useful, and uncommon plants described in the Gardeners dictionary : exhibited on three hundred copper plates accurately engraven after drawings taken from nature. With the characters of their flowers and seed-vessels, drawn when they were in their greatest perfection. To which are added, their descriptions, and an account of the classes to which they belong, according to Ray's, Tournefort's, and Linnus's method of classing them. London: Printed for the author ..., 1771.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
ff SB45 .M62 1771

Oeder, Georg Christian, 1728-1791, et al.
Flora danica. Aftegninger paa de planter, som vore vildt i kongerigerne Danmarkog Norge, i hertugdommene Slesvig og Holsteen, og i grevskaberne Oldenborg og Delmenhorst: til at oplyse det undertitel Flora danica paa kongelig befaling foranstaltete verk over disse planter / udgivne af bemeldte verks forfatter Georg Christian Oeder... Kibenhavn: Trykt hos Hans Kongl. Majests. Hof-Bogtrykker Nicolaus Mller, 1766 [i.e. 1761]-1883.
f QK98 .F63 1761 (5) 

Pallas, Peter Simon, 1741-1811.
Flora rossica : seu, Stirpium Imperii rossici per Europam et Asiam indigenarum descriptiones et icones. Petropoli: E Typographia Imperiali, 1784-1788.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection

QK321 .P2 1784 ff (1 – 2)

Salmon, William, 1644-1713.
Botanologia: The English herbal: or, History of plants... / By William Salmon, M.D. London: Printed by I. Dawks for H. Rhodes and J. Taylor, 1710.
f 581.63 Sa35b

Sole, W. (William), 1741-1802.
Menthœ britannicœ: being a new botanical arrangement of all the British mints hitherto discovered. Illus. with twenty-four copper plates... / By W. Sole. Bath: Printed by R. Cruttwell, 1798.
q 582.17 So43m

Thornton, Robert John, 1768?-1837.
The temple of Flora. London: Printed for the publisher, 1799.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection

QK92 .T6 1799 ff

Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de, 1656-1708.
Institutiones rei herbariae. Parisiis: e typographia regia, 1700.
QK41 .T71 1700 (3) 

Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de, 1656-1708.
Institutiones rei herbariae. Lugduni juxt exemplar Parisiis: Typographia regia, 1719.
QK41 .T71 1719 (3) 

19th Century Botanical Works

Barton, William P. C. (William Paul Crillon), 1786-1856.
A flora of North America. Illustrated by coloured figures, drawn from nature. By William P. C. Barton. Philadelphia: M. Carey & Sons, 1821-23.

QK112 .B29

Bloomfield, Robert, 1766-1823.
Wild flowers: or, Pastoral and local poetry. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown [etc.], 1816.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
PR4149.B6 W5 1816

The botanist. London: R. Groombridge [etc.], 1836-1846
SB408 .M28 1836

Brookshaw, George.
Groups of flowers. London : T. McLean, 1819.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection

ND1400 .B87 1819 f

Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654.
The complete herbal. London: Virtue & co., 1800.

RS81 .C9 1800 f

Culpepper, Nicholas 1616-1654.
Herbal. 1815.

RS81 .C9 1815 f

Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654.
Culpeper's complete herbal. London: R. Evans, 1818.

RS81 .C9 1818 f

Curtis, Henry.
The Beauties of the rose: containing portraits of the principal varieties of the choicest perpetuals. With plain instructions for their cultivation…John Lavers… Bristol: Groombridge & Sons ... ; London, 1850-53.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
SB411 .C83

Curtis, William, 1746-1799.
Lectures on botany, as delivered to his pupils ...: Part of which were published several years since, under the title of A companion to the Botanical magazine / Arranged by Samuel Curtis ... London : Printed and sold by W. Phillips, 1803-04.
Uncat 1726

Edwards, Sydenham, 1769?-1819.
The new botanic garden: illustrated with one hundred and thirty-three plants / engraved by Sansom, from the original pictures, and coloured with the greatest exactness from drawings by Sydenham Edwards… London: Printed for John Stockdale..., 1812.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
f SB407 .E26 1812

Emmerton, Isaac.
A plain and practical treatise on the culture & management of the auricula, polyanthus, carnation, pink, and the ranunculus: with full directions for preparing the most approved composts, raising new varieties from seed &c… London: Printed for the author ..., 1819.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
SB413.A8 E4 1819

Flore de l'amateur… Bruxelle : Soc. encyclographique, 1842.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
Uncat f1141 v. 1-2

Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe: Annales générales d'horticulture. Vol. XVIII, 1869. Gand (Belgique): L. van Houtte, 1845-1880.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
Uncat 10,376

The floricultural cabinet and florist's magazine. 1854-1859. London: Whittaker & co., 1833-
Uncat 10,383 v.1-4

The Floricultural cabinet, and florist's magazine / Conducted by Joseph Harrison. London: Whittaker & co., 1837
Uncat 10,345 v.5

The Florist and pomologist. London: Journal of Horticulture Office, 1862-.
Uncat 10,380 1862 – 1865

Flowers from an Indian garden / Second series. Dusseldorf : Executed by Breidenbach & Co., 1880?
SB457.75 .F5 1880 f

Gray, Samuel Frederick, fl. 1780-1836.
A natural arrangement of British plants, according to their relations to each other as pointed out by Jussieu, De Candolle, Brown, &c., including those cultivated for use, with an introduction to botany, in which the terms newly introduced are explained, illustrated by figures, by Samuel Frederick Gray. London: Printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1821.
QK306 .G78 1821 (2)

Hey, Rebecca.
The moral of flowers. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman, and J. Hatchard, 1833.
Uncat 9041 

Hibberd, Shirley, 1825-1890.
Familiar garden flowers / Figured by F. Edward Hulme… and described by Shirley Hibberd…1st-5th series with coloured plates. London, Paris & Melbourne : Cassell and Company, Limited, [1879-87]
SB406 .H5 1879 v. 1-5 

Hill, John, 1714?-1775.
The family herbal: or an account of all those English plants, which are remarkable for their virtues ... Bungay: C. Brightly and T. Kinnersley, 1820.
Uncat 5838 

Hill, John, 1714?-1775.
Verhandeling over de verdubbeling van bloemen: of aanwyzing om door oppassing en kweeking gevulde of dubbelde bloemen uit enkelde te trekken / door J. Hill; uit het engelsch vertaald; met 8 natuurlyk gecouleurde Afbeeldingen. Amsterdam : J. C. Sepp, 1804.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
QK840 .H5 1804

Hill, John, 1714?-1775.
The family herbal. Bungay: C. Brightly and T. Kinnersley, 1810?
RS164 .H5 1812

Hogg, Thomas, 1771-1841.
A concise and practical treatise on the growth and culture of the carnation, pink, auricula, polyanthus, ranunculus, tulip, hyacinth, rose and other flowers; including a dissertation on soils and manures and containing catalogues of the finest and most esteemed varieties of each flower. By Thomas Hogg. London, Printed for G. and W. B. Whittaker, 1824.
SB406 .H67 1824 

Hooker, William Jackson, Sir, 1785-1865.
Plates to Hooker's Exotic flora. [n.p.], 1824.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
Uncat f1208 v. 1-2 

Hooker, William Jackson, Sir, 1785-1865.
Synopsis filicum; or, A synopsis of all known ferns, including the Osmundaceae, Schizaeaceae, Marattiaceae, and Ophioglossaceae (chiefly derived from the Kew herbarium); accompanied by figures representing the essential characters of each genus, by the late Sir William Jackson Hooker and John Gilbert Baker. London: W. H. Allen,1883.
QK523 .H78 1883 

Hooker, Joseph Dalton, Sir, 1817-1911.
The rhododendrons of Sikkim-Himalaya… London: Reeve and Co., 1849.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
Uncat ff245

Hooper, Lucy, 1816-1841, ed.
The lady's book of flowers and poetry : to which are added, a botanical introduction, a complete floral dictionary; and a chapter on plants in rooms / Edited by Lucy Hooper. New York: J. C. Riker ..., 1844.
PN6110.F6 H6 1844 

Hooper, Lucy, 1816-1841, ed.
The lady's book of flowers and poetry: to which are added a botanical introduction, a complete floral dictionary and a chapter on plants in rooms… Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger..., 1868.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
PN6110.F6 H6 1868 

Hulme, F. Edward (Frederick Edward), 1841-1909.
Familiar wild flowers / figured and described by F. Edward Hulme ... 1st-8th series with coloured plates. London, Paris & Melbourne : Cassell and Company, Limited, [1897]-1905.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
SB439 .H8 1897 v. 1-8

Jamain, Hippolyte.
Les roses: histoire, culture, description / par Hippolyte Jamain… [et] Eugène Forney… Préface par Ch. Naudin … Paris: J. Rothschild, Editeur ..., 1873.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
QK495.R78 J28 1873 

The language of flowers: containing the name of every flower to which a sentiment has been assigned. London : Webb, Aillington, and Co. also, Leeds and Otley, 1860.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
d QK84 .L3 1860 

Leneveux, Louise Pignot, 1800-?
Les fleurs parlantes. Paris: Mme Ve Louis Janet
, 1848.
QK84 .L4 1848

Lindley, John, 1799-1865.
Rosarum monographia: or, A botanical history of roses. To which is added, an appendix, for the use of cultivators, in which the most remarkable garden varieties are systematically arranged.With nineteen plates. London: Printed for James Ridgway ..., 1820.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
QK495.R78 L7 1820 

Lindley, John, 1799-1865.
Sertum Orchidaceum: a wreath of the most beautiful orchidaceous flowers / selected by John Lindley. London: J. Ridgway & Sons, 1838
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
Uncat ff242 

Lindley, John, 1799-1865.
Paxton's flower garden / By Professor Lindley and Sir Joseph Paxton. London: Bradbury and Evans ..., 1850-53.
SB407 .L74 1850 

Lindley, John, 1799-1865.
Paxton's flower garden / By Professor Lindley and Sir Joseph Paxton. Revised by Thomas Baines... With coloured plates. London, Paris & New York: Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co., 1882-1884.
f SB407 .L74 1882 1-3 

Loudon, Jane Webb, 1807-1858.
British wild flowers. London, W.S. Orr [1846].
Uncat ff242
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
f QK306 .L88 1846 

Loudon, Jane Webb, 1807-1858.
British wild flowers… London : James Nelson & Co. ..., 1859.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
f QK306 .L88 1859 

Loudon, Jane Webb, 1807-1858.
British wild flowers… London: William Smith…, 1847.
f QK306 .L88 1847 

Loudon, Jane Webb, 1807-1858.
Gardening for ladies: and Companion to the flower-garden / by Mrs. Loudon; edited by A. J. Downing. New York: Wiley and Putnam, 1847.
SB453 .L64 1847 

Loudon, Jane Webb, 1807-1858.
The ladies' flower-garden of ornamental annuals. London: William S. Orr..., [1849]
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
f SB407 .L882 1849 

Loudon, Jane Webb, 1807-1858.
The ladies' flower-garden of ornamental perennials. London, 1843.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
f SB407 .L888 1843 1 - 2

Lowe, E. J. (Edward Joseph), 1825-1900.
Beautiful leaved plants. London: Groombridge and Sons, 1861.
Uncat 10,699

Malo, Charles, 1790-1871.
Parterre de Flore : avec 12 gravures coloriées. A Paris: Chez Louis Janet ..., [1819]
d QK50 .M3 1819 

Maund, Benjamin, 1790-1863.
The botanic garden: consisting of highly finished figures of hardy ornamental flowering plants, cultivated in Great Britain, with their names, orders, history, qualities, culture, and physiological observations / by B. Maund; edited by James C. Niven. London: G. Bell and Sons, 1878.
SB407 .M45 1878 (6) 

Meehan, Thomas, 1826-1901
The native flowers and ferns of the United States in their botanical, horticultural and popular aspects. By Thomas Meehan . Series [I]-II. Boston: L. Prang & Co., 1878-1880
QK112 .M49 1878 ser. 1 v. 1; ser. 2 v. 1; ser. 2 v.2 

Midy, Th. (Théodore).
Botanique illustrée de la jeunesse / par Th. Midy. Paris: Libraire d'éducation, [1866].
QK50 .M54 1866

Millspaugh, Charles Frederick, 1854-1923.
American medicinal plants ; an illustrated and descriptive guide to the American plants used as homoeopathic remedies. New York: Philadelphia: Boenicke & Tafel, [c1887].
Uncat f1145 1

Mollevaut, Charles Louis, 1776-1844.
Les fleurs: Poeme en quatre chants. Paris: Chez A. Bertrand,
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
PQ2366.M33 F55 1818 d

Montolieu, Isabelle, 1751-1832.
The Enchanted Plant, and Festival of the Roses: with other Poems. London: Thomas Beasley, 1812.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
Uncat 5663 

Mordent De Launay.
Herbier General de l'amateur. Continue par M. Loiseleur-Deslongchamps. Tome 2. Paris: Audot, 1817.
Uncat 9472 

Mordaunt de Launay, Jean Claude Michel, 1750-1816.
Herbier Général de l'Amateur. Paris: Audot, 1816-1827.
Uncat 10,372 1 - 8

Morris, Richard.
Flora conspicua: a selection of the most ornamental flowering, hardy, exotic and indigenous trees, shrubs, and a herbaceous plants, for embellishing flower-gardens and pleasure-grounds / Drawn and engraved from living specimens by William Clark. London: Printed for Thomas Griffiths..., 1830.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
SB407 .M87 1830 

Parsons, Frances Theodora (Smith) Dana, 1861-1952.
How to know the wild flowers; a guide to the names, haunts, and habits of our common wild flowers, by Mrs. William Starr Dana. Illustrated by Marion Satterlee. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1893.
In Process 

Parsons, Frances Theodora (Smith) Dana, 1861-1952.
How to know the wild flowers : a guide to the names, haunts, and habits of our common wild flowers / by Mrs. William Starr Dana ; illustrated by Marion Satterlee. New York : Scribner's, 1895.
In Process 

Parsons, Frances Theodora, 1861-1952
How to know the ferns : a guide to the names, haunts, and habits of our common ferns / by Frances Theodora Parson; illustrated by Marion Satterlee and Alice Josephine Smith. New York : C. Scribner's Sons, 1899
Uncat 11,746 

Paul, William, 1822-1905.
The rose garden in two divisions. London : Kent & Co., [1888]
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
Uncat f1123; Uncat f1123 c.2 

Phelps, Lincoln, Mrs., 1793-1884.
Botany for beginners : an introduction to Mrs. Lincoln's Lectures on botany... / By Mrs.Almira H. L. Phelps... Hartford: F. J. Huntington, 1833.
581 P511b

Pratt, Anne, 1806-1893.
The flowering plants and ferns of Great Britain / by Anne Pratt. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, [ca. 1870].
QK306 .P8 1870 (3)

Redouté, Pierre Joseph, 1759-1840.
Les roses / par P.J. Redouté...; avec le texte par Cl. Ant. Thory. A Paris: De l'Imprimerie de Firmin Didot..., 1817-1824.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
f SB411 .R31 1817 1 - 3 

Reichenbach, Anton Benedict, 1807-1880.
Naturgeschichte des Planzenreiches... Leipzig: Voigt und Fernan, 1845.
Uncat 1769 

Roscoe, Edward, Mrs.
Floral illustrations of the seasons: consisting of representations drawn from nature of some of the most beautiful, hardy and rare herbaceous plants cultivated in the flower garden, carefully arranged according to their seasons of flowering, with botanical descriptions, directions for culture, &c... / Engraved by R. Havell, jun... London: Published by and for R. Havell, jun... by Baldwin and Cradock..., 1829
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
f SB407 .R79 1829 

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778.
La botanique. Paris: Delachaussée [and] Garnery, 1805.
Uncat f1144 

Sargent, Charles Sprague, 1841-1927.
The silva of North America: a description of the trees which grow naturally in North America exclusive of Mexico / by Charles Sprague Sargent ... illustrated with figures and analyses drawn from nature by Charles Edward Faxon ... Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1892-1902.
f 582 Sa7 1-14

Sinclair, George, 1786-1834.
Hortus gramineus woburnensis, or An account of the results of experiments on the produce and nutritive qualities of different grasses and other plants used as the food of the more valuable domestic animals / instituted by John, Duke of Bedford. Illustrated with numerous figures of the plants and seeds upon which these experiments have been made. London: J. Ridgway, 1826.
Uncat 1773 

Sinclair, Isabella.
Indigenous flowers of the Hawaiian islands / Forty-four plates painted in water-colours and described by Mrs. Francis Sinclair, Jr. .. London: S. Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, 1885.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
f 581.9969 Si62I

Smith, James Edward, Sir, 1759-1828.
Exotic botany: consisting of coloured figures, and scientific descriptions, of such new, beautiful, or rare plants as are worthy of cultivation in the gardens of Britain; with remarks on their qualities, history, and requisite modes of treatment / The figures by James Sowerby ... London: Printed by R. Taylor and Co..., 1804-05.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
SB407 .S65 1804 

Sowerby, John Edward, 1825-1870.
British wild flowers / Illustrated by John E. Sowerby. Described,with an introduction and a key to the natural orders, by C. Pierpoint Johnson. Re-issue: to which is now added a supplement containing 180 figures of lately discovered flowering plants. By John W. Salter... and the ferns, horsetails, and club-mosses. By John E. Sowerby. London: J. Van Voorst, 1882.
q 581.942 So9 

Sprague, Isaac, 1811-1895.
Beautiful wild flowers of America : From original watercolor drawings after nature / by Isaac Sprague. Descriptive text by Rev. A. B. Hervey. With extracts from Longfellow, Whittier, Bryant, Holmes, and others. Boston: Estes & Lauriat ... S. E. Cassino & Co. ..., 1882.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
f QK112 .S73 1882

Strong, Asa B.
The American flora: or History of plants and wild flowers: containing their scientific and general description, natural history, chemical and medical properties, mode of culture, propagation, &c. Designed as a book of reference for botanists, physicians, florists, gardeners, students, etc. … New York: Published by Green & Spencer..., 1851-[1853].
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
QK99 .S9 1851 v. 1 - 4

Strutt, Jacob George, 1790-1864.
Sylva britannica; or, Portraits of forest trees, distinguished for their antiquity, magnitude, or beauty. Drawn from nature by Jacob George Strutt. London: Published for the author by Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green [1830].
f SD383 .S92 1830 

Sweet, Robert, 1783-1835.
Cistineœ: The natural order of cistus, or rock-rose; illustrated by coloured figures & descriptions of all the distinct species, and the most prominent varieties, that could be at present procured in the gardens of Great Britain; with the best directions for their cultivation and propagation… London: James Ridgway…, 1825-1830.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
SB413.R7 S9 

Sweet, Robert, 1783-1835.
Geraniaceœ: The natural order of gerania, illustrated by coloured figures and descriptions; comprising the numerous and beautiful mule-varieties cultivated in the gardens of Great Britain, with directions for their treatment… London: Printed for James Ridgeway..., 1820-30.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
SB413.G35 S9 1820 v. 1 - 5

Thayer, Emma Homan, 1842-1908.
Wild flowers of the Pacific coast. From original water color sketches drawn from nature; by Emma Homan Thayer. New York, Cassell & Co., ltd. [c1887]
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
f QK143 .T35 1887 

Thornton, Robert John, 1768?-1837.
A new family herbal: or, Popular account of the nature and properties of the various plants used in medicine, diet, and the arts / The plants drawn from nature, by Henderson: and engraved on wood, by Thomas Bewick. London: Printed for R. Phillips, 1810.
581.63 T396n 

Thornton, Robert John, 1768?-1837.
A family herbal. London: B. & R. Crosby and Co., 1814.
Uncat 10,531

Traill, Catherine Parr Strickland, 1802-1899.
Canadian wild flowers / Painted and lithographed by Agnes Fitzgibbon, with botanical descriptions by C. P. Traill... Montreal: Printed and published by John Lovell ..., 1868.
f QK201 .T68 1868 

Twamley, Louisa Anne, afterwards Meredith, Mrs. Charles, 1812-1895.
Our Wild Flowers familiarly described and illustrated…London: Tilt and Bogue, 1843.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
Uncat 2015 

Twamley, Louisa Anne, afterwards Meredith, Mrs. Charles, 1812-1895.
The romance of nature: or, The flower-seasons illustrated. London: C. Tilt, 1836.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
Uncat 10,371

Tyas, Robert, 1811-1879.
Favourite field flowers, or, Wild flowers of England popularly described: the localities in which they grow, their times of flowering, &c, and / illustrative poetry, original and selected /by Robert Tyas ... ; with twelve coloured groups of flowers. London : Houlston & Stoneman, 1848.
QK306 .T92 1848 

Tyas, Robert, 1811-1879.
The language of flowers: or, Floral emblems of thoughts, feelings, and sentiments…with coloured groups of flowers. London: George Routledge and Sons... New York..., 1875.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
QK84 .T96 1875

Zeller, Hannah.
Wild flowers of the Holy Land: fifty-four plates printed in colours / drawn and painted after nature by Hannah Zeller; with a preface by H. B. Tristram; and an introduction by Edward Atkinson. London: J. Nisbet and Co., 1876.
Ethelinda Schaefer Castle Collection
QK378 .Z4 1876

20th Century Botanical Works

Boulger, George Simonds, 1853-1922.
British flowering plants / illustrated by three hundred full-page coloured plates reproduced from drawings by Mrs. Henry Perrin, with detailed descriptive notes and an introduction. London: Bernard Quaritch..., 1914.
f QK306 .B65 1914 (4)

Stefánsson, Stefán , 1863-1921.
Flóra Íslands [by] Stefán Stefánsson. Kaupmannahöfn: S. L. Möller, 1924.
QK325.5 .S74 1924