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HIST 270: From Empire to Nation: The Ottoman World Transformed (HC): Background Information

History 270: From Empire to Nation: The Ottoman World Transformed (Kitroeff) Fall 2019

Daily Life in Ottoman Turkey

Cook in the rue de Stamboul, Istanbul, photochrom print, 1890-1900  (Source: Library of Congress)

Handbooks and Companions

The following sources provide overviews of Middle Eastern history.  They are a quick way to find out the basic facts and recent scholarly interpretations.

When using an article in an encyclopedia or handbook, always check the bibliography for further reading at the end of the article. It will provide a selective list of the books, articles, and, frequently, Web resources considered to be the most up-to-date and reliable.


Historians have interpreted events in the Middle East from a variety of different viewpoints.  Analysis of these interpretations, known generally as historiography, can give more nuance to your arguments and provide a greater context for your understanding.

Subject Guide

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Margaret Schaus