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Tripod Project Overview

Your Account

Data from the following Tripod and Tripod Classic account features will not migrate over:​

  • Reading History – Running list of all of the books, videos, music, etc. that you borrow from the libraries, even after you return them (opt-in service, Tripod Classic)
  • Saved Items & Your Lists – These are created when you use the ⭑Add to Favorites feature (Tripod)
  • Saved Searches (Tripod)
  • Preferred Searches (Tripod Classic)

The last possible date that you will be able to access this data is December 19, 2018. For questions or help with exporting your Saved Items and Reading History, please follow the links above or Ask a Librarian at your respective school: Bryn Mawr, Haverford, Swarthmore.

Tripod Classic Going Away

Tripod Classic is the search interface of our traditional library catalog. Because it is tied to our 20-year-old legacy integrated library system, Tripod Classic will retire on December 20, 2018.

To help ease the transition for loyal Tripod Classic users, we will provide a guide on how to replicate Tripod Classic search functionalities in the new Tripod interface. You can also make an appointment with a librarian to learn more about the basic functionalities of the new Tripod interface and how to run advanced search queries.