This 2017 edition of the handbook provides guidance on documenting sources and on writing style. This new edition also includes instructions and examples for online publications and websites.
This page explains the system using separate bibliographic notes for citations rather than including them in the text as in often done in science papers.
Created by the Writing Lab at Purdue University, this web site provides concise information on the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, writing guidelines and citation and bibliography examples.
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
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A standard guide for writers in the social and behavioral sciences now in its 7th edition in 2020. Many students prefer APA's in-text citation style.
Book covering: Writing professionally -- Elements of style -- The introduction section -- The method section -- Communicating statistics -- The results -- The discussion section -- References: Citations in the text and the reference list -- Final touches: The abstract and formatting details -- Creating poster presentations -- Giving oral presentation -- Presenting your work on the internet. Available in print at Haverford's Science Library.
Created by the Writing Lab at Purdue University, this web site provides concise information on APA Guidelines, writing guidelines and citation & bibliography examples.
Tricollege guide for using Zotero. Starts with an introduction and installation. It then describeshow to use it as a versatile tool for research,organization, footnotes and bibliography.