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ENGL 301: Sex and Gender in the Middle Ages (HC)

English/Comparative Literature 301: Sex and Gender in the Middle Ages

Tips for searching within journal databases

When searching in Journal databases, these strategies will get better results:

*  Truncation:  Shorten search words with an asterisk to get all the forms 
          erotic* (to include eroticism)  prostitut* (to include prostitute, prostitutes and prostitution)

OR:  Link synonyms with OR and group them with parentheses
          (homosexual* or same sex* or lesbian* or sodomy)

AND: Combine topics that you want to see together
          marriage* and consent

" " Phrase: Use quotation marks to search for words together in that order
          "cross dress*"

Focus: Choose where the database is searching.  It may be set automatically for keyword.  You can make the search more precise by looking instead for subjects only or for title words.

Results: Look at the articles retrieved and change search terms for additional results