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Swarthmore Alumni Resources

As members of the Swarthmore community, we are happy to provide free access for alumni to a number of resources.

Spring 2025: The College Advancement Office is upgrading the Swarthmore Alumni Online Community. During the transition, online access to resources such as JSTOR and Project Muse will be unavailable for alumni, but you can still request articles through the library.

How can you access alumni resources like JSTOR and Sage Journals during this transition?  Email and one of Swarthmore’s research librarians will assist you.

Alumni can also visit McCabe Library in person during open hours. To access JSTOR and other alumni resources, just request a visitor login from the front desk and connect using one of the library's desktop computers.

Did you know you can access some online resources as an alumni?

Visit the Swarthmore Alumni Online Community to create your alumni account and access library resources.

Available Resources

    • JSTOR contains the full-text of more than 2,300 journals from 1,000 publishers, with publication dates ranging from 1665 to 2015 (for certain titles). Journals are available in more than 60 disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences and mathematics.
  • Project Muse
    • Project MUSE offers full-text current and archival articles from 600+ scholarly journals from major university presses covering literature and criticism, history, performing arts, cultural studies, education, philosophy, political science, gender studies, and more.

  • Sage Journals
    • SAGE is the world's 5th largest journals publisher. Our portfolio includes more than 1000 journals spanning the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology, and Medicine, and more than 400 are published on behalf of learned societies and institutions.
  • Sage Videos
    • SAGE Video is a series of online collections developed in partnership with leading academics, societies and practitioners, including many of SAGE's own authors and academic partners, to deliver cutting-edge pedagogical collections mapped to disciplinary curricular needs within the social sciences.
Primary Sources
  • Adam Matthew Primary Sources Collections
    • Adam Matthew publishes unique primary source collections from archives around the world.
Language Learning 
  • Mango Languages
    • Mango Languages offers 72 languages and dozens of additional specialty courses in topics such as wine and cheese (French), Shakespearean English, Medical Spanish, and Endangered Languages (Tuvan).